Sustainable Jewelry: Making the Old New Again

A significant part of living a sustainable life is learning to reuse and repurpose items rather than purchasing something brand new. Did you know this habit can also apply to your jewelry? Sustainable jewelry can mean many things, but one impactful practice is repurposing existing pieces into new items.

Sustainable, ethical practices are at the heart of my work here at Ringed. By using reclaimed pieces, recycled metals, and 100% FAIRMINED gold, I can reduce the amount of waste while still creating beautiful jewelry with you and for you. Contact me today to learn more about making your own engagement or wedding ring in the studio or to talk about other options and custom pieces.

Why Sustainable Jewelry Matters

Incorporating eco-friendly practices into the jewelry industry is not a marketing ploy. Ethical jewelers understand the critical nature of doing our part to slow the damage that mass consumption has created. We do not need to harm the earth or people to create stunning heirloom jewelry.

And today’s younger consumers overwhelmingly choose to do business with retailers that align with their values. More than 80% of millennials prioritize their ethics over price. Clearly, ethical, value-driven practices in the jewelry industry are also good for business.

What Can I Do with Old Jewelry?

As sustainability comes to the jewelry world, there are several choices for reusing or repurposing vintage pieces. You’ll have something beautiful to enjoy while helping protect our earth now and in the future.

Whether you have one piece you’d like to upcycle or a whole treasure trove of pieces to cherish in a new form, you have several options. Here are some of my favorite ways to reuse and repurpose items to join the sustainable jewelry movement.

Professional Repurposing

When you have a valuable jewelry piece you’d like to reuse in something new, it’s best to turn to professional jewelry makers and metalsmiths. Repurposing gems such as sapphires, pearls, emeralds, and diamonds into something stunning requires expertise and proper tools.

Although this level of reusing takes more time, it is well worth it to protect the stones’ value and create something new to treasure. Many folks have come to me with family jewelry and been pleasantly surprised to find a stunning center stone that could be used for an engagement ring! 

If you are ready to go this route, be sure to choose an artisan with experience specific to repurposing vintage pieces. They will have the knowledge and equipment to clean and reset your gems correctly.

And if you don’t have any items to reuse but still want to purchase sustainable jewelry, look for jewelers with an in-house line of repurposed gems. At Ringed, I carry a line of jewelry that fits the bill. Finding ways to make old pieces new and beautiful is one of my favorite things!

DIY Upcycling

Do you have some of your grandmother’s beloved costume jewelry living at your house? Even though these aren’t destined to become new, high-end pieces, they can have a fun new life.

If you have vintage or outdated pieces and enjoy getting creative, you can reuse them to make useful things like bookmarks, magnets, or hair ties. Grandma’s fake pearls can stay with you a while longer!

Donate and Recycle

When it’s time to part with your old jewelry for good, consider donating it to a charity where it may find new life. Organizations such as Dress for Success and I Have Wings can put your old jewelry to good use.

Sustainability for the Win!

“Beautiful” does NOT have to equal “new.” Pre-owned and repurposed jewelry is just as unique and lovely as something brand new - sometimes even more so!

If you’re ready to invest in sustainable jewelry here in Portland, OR, I invite you to visit Ringed. With custom design, our signature line, and bespoke handmade experiences, Ringed is the go-to jewelry destination in the Pacific Northwest. Connect with us today to learn more about our offerings.